

September 28-30,  2021, Trabzon, Turkey



The human-centered perception of the universe, which began with the Renaissance, put the man in a position of defining the center with a thoughtful sense. Hence, all the systems other than the so-called central location have begun to be evaluated based on the concept of altered. Altered countries have been discovered in a geographical context, altered beliefs have emerged in the context of faith, altered books have begun to be printed in the context of the text. All the alterities produced by the Renaissance have evolved into different pluralities that enable the construction of a new modern world. The altered, located in the center of the Renaissance, in time, has evolved into the “other” that the modern world stands against. 

The concept of “other”, which the modern world produced instead of altered, has become an act of negation that is displaced, undesirable, feared, and in other words, that is created to prove the legitimacy of the center. Now, all existences except for the western ideology, which is the ideology of the modern world, are the “other”, just like the other geographies, other economic systems, other socialites, other physical environments, other practices, and other architectures…

The concept of “other”, which began to be expressed with modernity, usually existed in the architectural agenda with its divergent and differentiated meanings. Architecture, along with the concept of “other”, defines a form of a relationship that commutes between the center and the periphery, changing in time.

In this form of relationship, to discuss the “other(s)” that ensure the existence of the center becomes important in an environment where architectural theory and practice are built on generating the center/essential/accepted.

“LivenARCH 2021: OTHER ARCHITECT/URE(S)” theme points to the ways of thinking about the ideas and the existences of architect/ure(s) that are not central, not discussed and not noticed. The main basis of the theme, except from the usual/known/ordinary/uncanny narratives, includes all theoretical, conceptual, practical, and even crisis productions manifested by everyday leaks.

“OTHER ARCHITECT/URE(S)” are all the thoughts and actions formed outside the center. It is to ask new questions for architecture in creating uncanny centers and new peripheries for the known architectural discourse and norms. In other words, it is where all central admissions are eliminated; it is a kind of noticeable state in which other global-local architect/ure(s), other architectural histories, other construction practices, other spatial data about the city and people exist. 

In this context, “LivenARCH 2021: OTHER ARCHITECT/URE(S)” Congress aims to discuss all the “other(s)” around the main topics of architectural thought, architectural theory and history, architectural practice, city, man and space from different scales and perspectives such as;

LivenARCH Congress VII: Other Architect/ure(s)

- Politics/Policies/Laws/Regulations/Ethics

- Economy

- Nature/Environment/Public Health

- Human/Behavior

- Technology/Material/Sustainability

- Philosophy/Theory/History/Discourse

- Criticism/Method

- Identity/Culture/Tradition

- Urban/City/Landscape/Rural

- Design

- Interior Design

- Conservation/Transformation/Re-use

- Education

- Arts/Aesthetics



Abstract Submission                   March 15, 2021
Acceptance of Abstracts            May 03, 2021
Full Paper Submission                August 02, 2021

LivenARCH Congress-VII            September 28-30, 2021


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