educational objectives

Department of Civil Engineering aims to train civil engineers who

1. Will be able to work as technical staff and/or managers in public institutions operating in the basic fields of civil engineering,

2. Will be able to work as a project engineer, field engineer, or site supervisor in national or international private organizations,

3. Will be able to establish a company and become an employer by developing their company with their professional and personal skills,

4. Will be able to continue their education at the graduate level in domestic or foreign universities and work as academicians in universities within the scope of lifelong learning.


1069 graduates from different years participated in the last survey conducted online. 43.7% of the participants graduated between 2010-2020. The statistical data obtained from this survey are summarized below.

32% of the participants work in Istanbul, while the rate is 20.5% for Ankara, 12.9% for Trabzon, 3.3% for Izmir, and 26.2% for other cities in Türkiye. The rate of those working abroad is 5.1% (Figure 1). These countries include mainly Germany and Russia, but graduates also work in the UK, Canada, Canada, Poland, Ireland, Switzerland, Paraguay, Kuwait, Georgia, Moldova, Mozambique, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Morocco, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkmenistan, TRNC, Libya, Qatar, Tanzania, and South Africa.

When the participants are evaluated according to their fields of activity, it is seen that 41.8% of them work in the private sector and 20.9% in the public sector. While 25.8% of the participants stated that they were self-employed, 7.3% of the participants worked as academicians.

The results show that our department trains civil engineers with the characteristics determined in educational objectives.

Şekil 1. Distribution of participants according to the cities they work in


Şekil 2. Distribution of participants by country of work


Şekil 3. Distribution of the participants according to their fields of activity