


2024 March YDS / YOKDIL Course

School of Foreign Languages


YDS/YOKDIL exams are foreign language proficiency level determination exams conducted centrally by the Student Selection and Placement Center (OSYM) under the instructions of the Council of Higher Education (YOK) in our country.

YDS/YOKDIL are exams conducted with the multiple-choice test method that measure foreign language knowledge in terms of grammar, reading, comprehension and vocabulary.

In YDS / YOKDIL courses, language proficiency training and testing techniques training is provided. This course covers topics such as English grammar, paragraph recognition, reading comprehension, and vocabulary and provides skills in these subjects. There will be 8 hours of lessons per week. Our course will last 16 weeks. There will be lessons in the first 12 weeks, and trial exams and answers will be given in the following 4 weeks.

Trainees who want to participate in YDS / YOKDIL courses must have at least pre-intermediate (A2-B1) level of English knowledge, have successfully completed the preparatory class in the last 3 years, or have received at least 35 points in one of the exams held by OSYM in the last three years. 

Academic staff, master's and doctoral students can attend this course to receive points to use in their academic studies.

A hybrid program will be applied throughout the course to prepare for both YDS and YÖKDİL exams simultaneously.


Course Start and End Dates:

25 November 2023 - 09 March 2024

The detailed version of the course program will be available to trainees when the course starts.


Course Days:

Wednesday 17.30 – 19.00 (Online Answering of Questions - Microsoft Teams)

Saturday 09.00 – 14.30 / Sunday 09.00 – 13.00


Follow this link for information about how to register.