published studies

2024-2025 YEAR


  1. The valuable contributions of our esteemed Assistant Professor PhD. Güleycan AKGÖZ-AKTAŞ are presented to readers in the books titled "MIGRATION and FAMILY" and "From Theory to Practice: MOTHERING and FATHER INVOLVEMENT" published by Nobel Publications. We congratulate our instructor and wish plenty of readership.


2022-2023 YEAR


Kaval, N. O., & Arkar, H. (2022). Predictive Effect of Social Cognitive Skills on Social Anxiety. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 14(Ek 1), 226-241.

Kaval, N. O., Akçay, N. S. G., & Kılıç, G. Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Kişilik Özellikleri, Üstbiliş, İnternet Kullanım Fonksiyonu ve Problemli İnternet Kullanım Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Yaşam Becerileri Psikoloji Dergisi, 6(12), 167-202.

Book Chapters

The book chapter titled "The Effects of Climate Change On Child and Adolescent’s Mental Health" by Res. Asst. PhD Nesibe OLGUN KAVAL and Res. Asst. Özge Nur Muslu was published in the book “Traces of Time (2022).”

The book chapter titled "As Climate Changes, Mental Health Changes: The Effects of Changing Climate on Mental Health” by Prof. Dr. Hatice Odacı and Lect. PhD Tuğba Türkkan was published in the book “Traces of Time (2022).”