information on the institution - language of instruction

Teaching language at Karadeniz Technical University is mainly Turkish. However, the increasing demand towards having courses in English has been taken into consideration by the administration. Recent developments include acceptance of new departments into Obligatory English Preparatory Programme before the commencement of the degree programme. Currently the students of first cycle degree programmes must show the required qualifications in English to be able to start the degree courses. All of the second and third cycle programmes have already been in this process for many years. In departments with English preparatory class, up to 30 % of the courses are offered in English. Some of the postgraduate courses are also taught in English. A complete list of the courses and their teaching media is given in the information packages of each department.

For exchange students(incoming Erasmus students) separate classes can be arranged in English should they ask for it. We encourage all the exchange students to include a course of Basic Turkish Language in their learning agreement.