

This guide offers the basics of KTUYOS examination for international students who wish to attend Karadeniz Technical University in 2021/2022.


KTUYOS is conducted by KTÜ and it provides international students with an opportunity to apply for study at Karadeniz Technical University. The exam results are valid for two years to apply for acceptance to the university.


KTUYOS result is essential for acceptance to associate degree/undergraduate programmes, and cannot be used for undergraduate transfers.


All issues on the KTUYOS exam are handled by the Office of KTUYOS. However, the Office is not responsible for any other issue such as undergraduate transfers or postgraduate studies.


The contact languages of the Office of KTUYOS are English and Turkish.


The Office of KTUYOS is not responsible for any technical problem or delay in communication.


The Office of KTUYOS does not provide assist/counselling for applicants to get passport/visa or official permission to leave their home countries for education purposes. Also, students are responsible for ensuring their residence, accommodation, scholarship, transportation etc.


The terms in this guide may change in time regarding the policies of the Higher Education Council of Turkey and the Senate of Karadeniz Technical University. Then, the required principles will be announced by the Executive Board of KTU.


The Office of KTUYOS is responsible for the related issues which are not included in this guide.


The KTUYOS exam guide is announced online.